Church Street

We designed and built a new guest cottage that was awarded Historically Compatible Addition of 2015 by the Ashland Historic Commission. It features period interior woodwork, as well as columns, detailed eaves and a dormer. It was built to high energy efficiency standards and was pressure-tested to verify it surpassed the highest air leakage standard. The Ashland Historic Commission stated that, “the attention to detail is truly breathtaking.”

We built cabinetry in the main house in 2014.

We installed electrical wiring, made plumbing changes, installed low voltage wiring, and stained exterior woodwork in the main house in 2017.

We painted much of the exterior of the main house in 2019 and stained exterior woodwork. We repaired exterior trim and siding and the fence, and reattached the electrical meter.

© Ben The Builder, Inc.   |   CCB 194317   |   541.621.7862   |   ben@benthebuilderinc.com